Wednesday, August 22, 2007


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Introduction to Richard Bernabe's Riverventure Journal.

“The idea was hatched on Christmas Eve, 2006. Without much forethought, I boldly announced to my family and friends that I would paddle across the state of South Carolina in my old red canoe – from the North Carolina state line in the Piedmont all the way to the ocean. After spending the next several weeks convincing these same people that I was indeed sane, I began the research and planning that would make my very own “Riverventure” a reality.

As an outdoor photographer, writer, and adventure traveler, I have made countless trips into the wilderness. The joy of discovery, the opportunity to see a part of the landscape few have seen, and the challenge itself continue to send me back. This will easily be my most ambitious expedition yet!

The most frequently asked (and obvious) question is, “Why?” I don’t have one answer that fully explains all of my motives. The closest explanation might be one borrowed from Teddy Roosevelt before his expedition on the River of Doubt in the Amazon in 1913.

'It’s my last chance to be a boy again.'”

What does one bring on a one month long adventure down 250 miles of river? Richard's Equipment List

Want to see Richard's route? Bernabe Route

Ports of Call:

Before fiberglass and aluminum, wooden canoes were one of the few options for a trip like Richard's. Want to know about building a wooden canoe? Knowitall's A Natural State has the scoop! View videos at:
A Natural State.

The trip begins September 6th!

Stay tuned...

Richard's photos, video blogs, and field reports will soon populate the site!

The voyage begins September 6th at the border of South Carolina and North Carolina. Richard will travel down the Broad and Congaree Rivers, through lakes Marion and Moultrie, out the Tailrace Canal and into the Cooper River. If you see a small canoe amidst the enormous barges of the Charleston Harbor in early October, that may very well be Richard on the last leg of his trip!